前幾天的研習課程中,某助聽器廠商介紹到某廠牌助聽器最新加入的語音音量自動調節功能,並以示意影片展示這項功能與傳統快速反應壓縮 (fast-attack compression) 功能的差異,我隨後提問想釐清這項功能的實作原理,廠商回答(大意):「該助聽器有兩組偵測系統,一組會監控長期語音平均頻譜 (LTASS, Long Term Average Speech Spectrum),另一組則會監控瞬間的音量變化,用這兩組偵測系統協調決定要如何處理數位訊號。」
我聽完這段說明立即追問:「這項產品使用時域 (time domain) 的數位訊號處理技術嗎?」對於助聽器科技較陌生的同業可能不大理解我這個問題,且讓我在此用些篇幅稍作解釋。
簡單來說,原始的聲音波型經過數位化取樣後是一種時域 (time domain) 訊號,即每個時間片段的波幅;目前市面上主流的助聽器運用快速傅立葉變換 (FFT, Fast Fourier Transform) 把前述的數位取樣內容變換成頻域 (frequency domain) 再進行處理,即針對不同頻帶 (band) 或不同頻道 (channel) 分別改變增益或其他運算,最後再變換回時域訊號,即還原成聲波輸出。
不過有些助聽器廠牌的原理跟上述方式不同,例如 Bernafon 助聽器的「ChannelFree」、Sonic 助聽器的「Speech Variable Processing」等。這類數位訊號處理技術不會把聲音訊號分成若干頻帶或頻道,而是直接在時域操作,用非常快的速度調整每個時間片段的訊號波幅。Theodore H. Venema 在其著作《Comperssion for Clinicans: A Compass for Hearing Aid Fittings, 3rd Edition》中如此解釋:
In contrast, the "channel-free" technology is said to operate in the "time domain" and does not use an FFT to separate incoming sound into separate frequency channels (Schaub, 2008). Instead, the wideband input is taken as it is, and adjustments in gain are made extremely rapidly over time (Plyler, Reber, Kovach, Galloway, & Humphrey, 2013). The desired output frequency response — based on the hearing loss, the fitting method and any other selected option provided by the fitting software — is programmed into the channel-free hearing aid. A quantized value is assigned to each new input sample over time, in accordance with specific output demands that are placed upon it, so as to achieve the desired output frequency response. Each new sample thus quantized is added to all the other samples that have been previously quantized, in order to constantly update the entire output frequency response over time.
另外補充一下,前面提到的教科書中還有寫到,根據幾位學者在 2013~2015 年間的研究結果,無論使用者過去的助聽器配戴經驗如何,在主觀效益及客觀效益比較上,配戴當時採用時域數位訊號處理的助聽器跟配戴 7 壓縮頻道(頻域)數位訊號處理的助聽器相比都沒有顯著差異。2015 年距今也過了四年,我自己仍然很好奇時域數位訊號處理的技術是否又有更新的發展,例如(若真的)同時搭配頻域跟時域處理能否帶來更多優勢。對這方面有研究的先進尚請不吝賜教。