我在用的 Firefox 1.0 PR 延伸套件
突然想到要來做一下筆記。以下為目前我在 Firefox 1.0PR 裏面用的延伸套件 (Extension) 。我仿照 piaip 的分類法,大致分成三類:導覽、專家、華麗。
的擴充套件都跟站台導覽有關,算是補強 Firefox 的功能,建議任何人都安裝。專家類
的擴充套件可裝可不裝,但是可以讓妳的 Firefox 看起來/用起來與眾不同。
分類:導覽 — 強烈建議安裝
- Link Toolbar 0.8.3 A site navigation toolbar.
- mozcc 0.9.0 Provides an interface for viewing embedded Creative Commons licenses.
- jsLib 0.1.204 Mozilla JavaScript Library.
- Text Link 1.1.2004090301 Allows URI texts written in webpages to be loaded by double clicks.
- Disable Targets For Downloads 0.7 Prevents download links opening a blank window.
這是 mozcc 必備的 extension ,會自動被 mozcc 裝起來
分類:專家 — 建議進階使用者纔安裝
- Web Developer 0.8 Adds a menu and a toolbar with various web developer tools.
- Adblock v.5 d2 * nightly 39 Filters ads from web-pages
- UltraBar 0.2 UltraBar ToolBar.
- Gmail Notifier 0.3.3 A notifier for Gmail accounts.
- Webmail Compose 0.5.6 Makes mailto: links load your webmail's compose page and adds a Compose link to the context menu.
- FlashGot 0.3.7 Enable Mozilla and Firefox to handle single and massive ("all" and "selection") downloads with FlashGet.
- MAB 1.2.2 Tool for searching amazon catalogs and browsing their products.
可以搜尋 Google Desktop, GMail 等的強力搜尋列
定時檢查 Gmail 信箱
當妳按下 mailto: 鏈結時,自動用 Gmail 或其他 webmail 來編寫郵件
讓妳的 FlashGet 或其他下載軟體也能跟 Firefox 合作無間
到 Amazon 敗家必備的瀏覽器
分類:華麗 — 可裝可不裝
- Qute 2.1.3 A theme carefully designed to be both usable and aesthetically pleasing, with icons that are colorful and dynamic but not distracting.
- Compact Menu Duplicates the menubar on the toolbar as a menu of menus.
- easyGestures 2.11 Mouse gestures within a popup pie menu.
- Tabbrowser Extensions 1.11.2004101901 Improves tabbed browsing.
- Tabbrowser Extensions:Tab Numbering Module 1.0.2004042301 Shows tab numbering when you press accelerator key, for the shortcut accel-#(1-9).
- Tabbrowser Extensions:Highlight Unread Tab Module 1.0.2004081001 Highlights unread tabs.
- Line Marker 1.1.2004070501 Adds a new menu "Line Marker" to the context menu. It changes color of selection.
- Firesomething 1.6.0 All your branding are belong to Firesomething.
- Browser Uptime 1.6.0 Track the length of your browser session.
- Popup ALT Attribute 1.3.2004062101 Popups alternate text of images or others like NetscapeCommunicator(Navigator) 4.x.
- URN Support 1.0.2003080401 Adds URS support to the browser.
- XHTML Ruby Support 1.3.2004081801 Adds XHTML Ruby support. Ruby texts will be rendered above the base text, as a small text.
- Titlebar Tweaks 1.6.0 Tweak your browser's titlebar text.
- TextZoom 1.6.0 Override the default text-zoom level.
祇顯示部分的 Firefox 選單內容,或者把所有的選單都放到一個選單/按鈕裏
簡稱 TBE 的功能強大的分頁瀏覽
搭配 TBE 使用,按住 Ctrl 時會出現分頁切換快速鍵及標題提示
搭配 TBE 使用,還沒看過內容的分頁標題會以斜體字顯示
計算妳連續使用 Firefox 多久了
讓代換文字 (alt="foo) 顯示出來
這類的 URN 轉址
支援 XHTML Ruby 縮寫元件,並顯示 Ruby 縮寫文字