[敲打鍵盤] 運用行為模型及動機諮商工具以促進親和力

稍早我跟隨設計制度總顧問邱慕安的腳步,在國際政府設計 24 小時遠端研討會上,分享 PDIS 這一年來的經驗。


我分享的主題是「運用行為模型及動機諮商工具以促進親和力 (Applying behavioral model and motivation toolkit to improve accessibility)」,有興趣的朋友可以下載 PPTX 格式的簡報投影片,我以 CC0 公眾授權方式,將這份簡報投影片貢獻至公眾領域。



Title slide: Applying behavioral model and motivation toolkit to improve accessibility
Hello everyone, I'm Mu-An's colleague, Jedi Lin, the Head of Accessibility Design in Public Digital Innovation Space. I'll share my experience about applying the behavioral model and motivation toolkit to improve accessibility in government agencies.

大家好,我是慕安的同事林克寰,在行政院公共數位創新空間 (Public Digital Innovation Space, PDIS) 擔任無障礙設計總顧問。我將分享如何運用行為模型及動機諮商工具,對政府機關促進親和力。

Slide: A bit of me
I am a web accessibility consultant and audiologist for more than twenty years. My prior work experience is directly involved in Taiwan's social welfare, special education, and job accommodation for people with disabilities, from the practice level as a care-giver, to the policy level as a committee member and policy draft editor.


Slide: Goal
In PDIS, one of our goal is to change how government agencies behave so they can grow and sustain accessibility. We want accessibility to be the corner stone of our policies and culture.

我們在 PDIS 的目標包括要改變政府機關的行事方式,讓政府機關能夠生育滋養親和力。我們想要讓親和力成為我們的政策及文化基石。

Slide: Challenges
We face many challenges. Government agencies don't always do what they claim. They may claim they value the participation of people with disabilities, yet practice segregation. For example, some agencies provide accessible service with very limited functionality compared to inaccessible ones. People with disabilities are forced to process transactions at the counter, in person, accompanied by someone without disabilities. These agencies see this as their success because they can "protect and serve" people with disabilities better. That's really bad. Some government agencies don't know what they are doing. When asking them what their website is built for, they literally reply they don't know, maybe their commander ordered one, or just because "everybody has one, we should too." They know nothing about who will use their services or how. We also see lots of conflicts inside these agencies. Every department has different preferences and priorities, and thinks the responsibility belongs to another department. Everyone in the agencies thinks they are doing their job well by the book and by the order. Anything beyond that is beyond them.




Slide: Idea
What do I think? I can see these government agencies are organic. Just like humans. Humans don't always do what we claim. Humans don't always know what we are doing. We want a healthy life yet stay up late, or drink and eat too much, or never exercise. From my experience in healthcare practice, we have the knowledge and toolkits to facilitate people making positive behavior changes. I know how to help people treat their hearing loss with hearing aids, for instance. How can we apply these knowledge and toolkits to help government agencies treat their accessibility barrier?


Slide: COM-B model
Let me introduce the COM-B model. The COM-B model is a behavioral model widely adopted in many areas, such as to form an exercise habit, to quit smoking, et cetera. This model illustrates that it takes Capability, Opportunity, and Motivation to perform a certain Behavior or behavior change. Please notice that Capability and Opportunity can improve Motivation too. For any government agency, Capability includes its funding, human resource, knowledge, and skills. Opportunity might be people's demand, study or news report event, higher policy issued or changed, even upcoming election. We can work on Capability and Opportunity, but in the end, it's Motivation that matters. After all, if the agency doesn't want to be helped, nothing we work on Capability and Opportunity works.

請讓我介紹 COM-B 行為模型,這個模型被廣泛用於多個領域,例如用以養成運動習慣、戒菸等等。這個模型表示出任何人都需要有能力 (Capability)機會 (Opportunity)動機 (Motivation) 才能進行特定的行為 (Behavior) 或做出行為改變。請注意能力及機會也能促進動機。


Slide: Person-Centered Care (PCC)
The same problem exists in human too. In healthcare area, studies showed the most effective and reliable method is PCC, Person-Centered Care. In PCC practice, patients actively participate in their treatment in close cooperation with their health professionals. The PCC practice has four principles: The treatment is based on the unique person's needs. The treatment focuses on the abilities of the person and encourage activity. The treatment is coherent. Health professionals approach patients with dignity, compassion, and respect. Now, let's think of organic government agency as a person. We'd like to have the agency actively participate in its improvement plan in close cooperation with us. The plan shall be based on the unique agency's needs. The plan shall focus on the current Capability of the agency and encourage activity for known Opportunity. The plan shall mean something to the agency, echo its value, and contribute to its mission. We shall approach the agency with dignity, compassion, and respect. We have to learn its history, culture, politiics, and work with that. We don't plot the plan but facilitate the agency to make its own.

在人類身上也有同樣的困難。健康照護領域的研究指出,最有效且可靠的方式是實施以人為本的照護服務 (Person-Centered Care, PCC)。在 PCC 的照護模式中,患者與健康照護專家緊密合作,積極參與自己的治療處遇計畫。PCC 照護模式有四項原則:

  • 應基於獨特個人的需求進行治療處遇
  • 治療處遇應著重於個人的能力,並鼓勵活動
  • 治療處遇應連貫一致
  • 健康照護專家應以尊嚴、同情、尊重的態度對待患者


Slide: PCC techniques: the motivation toolkit
As to Motivation, there is an available motivation toolkit in Person-Centered Care. The toolkit contains the Circle, the Line, and the Box. Let's see how to use them.

至於動機的部份,在 PCC 照護模式中有套動機諮商工具組可以運用,這套工具組包含:圓圈線條方格。讓我們來看看這套工具組要怎麼派上用場。

Slide: The Circle
The Circle illustrates the different phases of behavior change. The first phase is Contemplation, followed by Preparation, Action, Maintenance, and Relapse. Each phase leads to the next, forming a circle, with Maintenance phase may leading to Permanent Change if lucky. Before Contemplation, there is phase zero, Pre-contemplation. When we visit a certain government agency, we check which phase it is currently at. Then we can know how to provide help. Pre-contemplation, Contemplation, and Preparation phase belong to the Attitude Process. These three phases focus on attitude change. It's about IF and WHY; there is no need to rush action. Action, Maintenance, and Relapse phase belong to the Behavioral Process. These three phases focus on behavior change. It's about HOW and WHAT, about action and actual doing. Now, how do we know which phase a certain agency is at?

圓圈是一個描繪行為改變階段的參考框架。從意圖期開始,接下來是準備期行動期維持期故態復萌,每個階段推進至下一個階段,形成一個圓圈。如果幸運的話,維持期也可能推進到持久改變 (Permanent Change) 階段。另外,在意圖期前面還有個第零階段:意圖前期


意圖前期意圖期準備期屬於行為改變的態度歷程 (Attitude Process),這三個階段專注於態度的改變,著重於是否要改變以及為什麼要改變,沒有必要在這些階段催促著一定要做什麼行為不可。

行動期維持期故態復萌屬於行為改變的行為歷程 (Behavioral Process),這三個階段專注於行為的改變,著重於如何改變以及改變什麼,也就是行動跟作為的部份。


Slide: [Phase 0] Pre-contemplation
If the agency says, "we don't have a problem," then we know there is a huge problem. This is phase zero, Pre-contemplation, where the agency doesn't have the idea at all. In this phase, we review the feedback from actual users with them, and explore the barriers of current services. Sometimes the barriers are so profound that no one can report the existence of the barriers. We show them how people use the web or services, let them be aware there are different users, have different abilities, challenges, and needs. We provide education and awareness in this phase. If the agency is aware their systems or services don't cover all the users, they move into the next phase.

如果政府機關宣稱「我們沒有問題」,那我們就知道問題嚴重了。這就是第零階段:意圖前期 (Pre-contemplation) 的表現,處於這個階段的政府機關缺乏最基本的意圖。對於這個階段,我們會跟政府機關一起回顧系統實際使用者的真實回饋,探索現有服務所存在的各種障礙;有時候這些障礙之巨大,導致根本沒有人能夠回報障礙的存在。


Slide: [Phase 1] Contemplation
Phase one, Contemplation, is when the agency says, "our service might need to be accessible." The agency in this phase is usually a bit confused. They have ambivalence on whether pursuing accessibility. We listen to them, provide information to explore, clearify, support, and enhance their experience. Then we use the next motivation tool, the Line, to explore their ambivalence and motivation.

處於第一階段,即意圖期 (Contemplation)的政府機關,會表達「我們的服務可能需要親和易用。」處於這個階段的政府機關通常有點困惑,對於是否要追尋親和力感到躊躇猶豫。我們會聆聽這些機關的聲音,提供相關的資訊,協助機關深入探索、澄清、支持、增強他們的相關經驗,然後我們會利用線條工具,探索機關的內在矛盾及動機。

Slide: The Line
The Line is actually a visual scale, scored from zero to ten, means not at all to very much. We ask two questions: How important is it for you to improve accessibility right now? and How much do you believe in your ability to be inclusive? We ask about the score and then why. We may continue to discuss the score with more information to come to a mutually satisfactory conclusion. If the first score is low, we explore the reason, including what other conditions may change the score. If the first score is high but the second score is low, we can provide information on how to improve their ability. If both scores are high, they usually move into the next phase.

線條工具其實就是個視覺量尺,從 0 分到 10 分,分別代表從「完全沒有」到「非常多」。我們會問兩個問題:

  1. 貴機關覺得現在改善親和力有多重要?
  2. 貴機關對於自己包容友善的能力,有多少信心?


Slide: [Phase 2] Preparation
When the agency determines their service needs to be accessible, they are in phase two, Preparation. In this phase, we can offer advice on possible strategies, guidelines, options, and steps. Usually, they will have many questions, for them, it's an exciting new journey ahead. Some agencies may continue to express ambivalence in this phase. This time, we can use the next motivation tool, the Box, to help them.

當政府機關確信其提供的服務應親和易用,就表示機關已經處於第二階段:準備期 (Preparation)。在這個階段中,我們提供可能的策略、指引、選項、步驟等建議。通常處於這個階段的政府機關會拋出許多問題,對這些機關而言,即將展開興奮的嶄新旅程。有些機關在這個階段可能又冒出一些內在矛盾而顯得猶豫,這次我們要用方格動機諮商工具來協助機關。

Slide: The Box
The Box contains four quadrants, with one question in each. Usually we focus on the first two questions, the latter two if there is time available. Through these questions, we help them explore the advantages and disadvantages of doing nothing at all, and taking action. We write these answers down, with their own words, usually by online collaboration tools such as Google Docs, then discuss and explore with them. Once they put their mind to taking action, they move into the next phase.

方格包含四個象限,每個象限裡有一條題目,通常我們先聚焦在前兩條題目,如果時間允許再進行後兩條。我們利用這些題目,協助政府機關探索「什麼都不做」的優點跟缺點,以及「做出改變」的優點跟缺點。我們會依照政府機關自己的話語把這幾條題目的回答寫下來,通常是利用 Google 文件等線上共筆工具讓彼此一起參與,然後再一起討論跟探索這些回答。一旦政府機關下定決心要做出改變,就能進入下一個階段。

Slide: [Phase 3] Action
From phase three, Action, the Behavioral Process starts. We shall take their views and needs, develop a joint strategy with them to drive this accessibility journey. The important part of this phase is to encourage them by highlighting their benefits of improved accessibility. With positive reinforcement, they can grow accessibility and move into the next phase.

從第三個階段,即行動期 (Action)起,進入行為改變的行為歷程。我們應該考量政府機關的觀點及需求,一起合作發展出聯合策略,驅動這趟親和力旅程。這個階段的重點是要盡量彰顯親和力已經改善的部份確實帶來哪些效益,由此鼓勵政府機關;利用這種正向增強,政府機關就能孕育親和力茁壯,進入下一個階段。

Slide: [Phase 4] Maintenance
In phase four, Maintenance, the agency acts as accessibility is a priority, and keeps doing so. We may ask how they are managing accessibility, share knowledge and information, answer their questions, provide furthur support. If they are ambivalent, then use the Box to explore their situation. Keep supporting them with positive reinforcement; they may achieve permanent change.

當政府機關處於第四個階段,即維持期 (Maintenance),可以看到其實際作為把親和力視為要件,並持續如此。我們可以詢問機關如何掌握親和力作為,彼此分享知識及資訊,回答機關進一步的提問、提供更深入的支持。萬一政府機關在這個階段流露出內在矛盾,還是可以回頭使用方格工具協助機關探索狀況如何。持續以正向增強提供支持,機關就有機會達到持久改變。

Slide: [Phase 5] Relapse
Some agencies, however, after a period of Maintenance, feel "it's done already." In this Relapse phase, they stop taking action, and their motivation declines. Don't panic; let's listen to them and explore their positive experience with accessibility, remind them of all those good we have made and still can make. We shall use the Line and the Box again if they continue to express ambivalence. With our continued support, they can move into the Contemplation phase and start all over again.

然而,有些政府機關在一段維持期之後,開始覺得「都做完了」,而開始故態復萌 (Relapse),停下親和力相關作為,動機逐漸衰退。遇到這樣的機關也別慌,我們需要傾聽機關訴說的經驗,從中探索親和力的正向體驗,提醒機關我們已經達成哪些效益,而且這些效益還能持續開創。如果機關仍然浮現更多內在矛盾,我們可以再回頭拿出線條方塊工具,不要放棄,持續支持,機關可能再次進入意圖期而重新踏上行為改變。

Slide: Where are we
In this year, most government agencies we reviewed are at phase zero to two, all in the Attitude Process. It takes time for agencies to shape their idea and attitude. PDIS is not the magic wand. I can not wave my hand to make accessibility happen as in the Star Wars movies. PDIS is here, to empower Taiwan's government agencies, enrich our culture, and help Taiwan become more inclusive and accessible. May the Force be with us all.

我們在今年協助過的政府機關中,絕大多數都處於第零階段到第二階段,全部處於行為改變的態度歷程。政府機關需要相當的時間才能塑造出相關的認知及態度。PDIS 並不是什麼魔法杖,我也沒辦法像電影中的絕地武士那樣揮個手就讓親和力普及。PDIS 在此的意義與目的,是要賦權台灣的政府機關,豐富台灣的公部門文化,協助台灣更加包容友善。願原力與你我同在。

