There was a Taiwan Blog BoF in 2005/03/29. I wrote this not only because its importance but also that here wasn't been updated for quite a long time.
Just before this BoF, in 3/26 and 3/27, there was an YAPC::Taipei::2005.
As BoF in 03/29, I stream audio out by Skype to mjhsieh living in US, then we together broadcast this to US, UK, et al. Here is a brief of that day:
In the begining, Joi Ito described Internet from a very interesting view of point -- "Connection." In fact, most of his presentation is about Creative Commons. I think that because he is one of Creative Commons members. In his presentation, I again find that the most important spirit of Blog may be connecting creative around the world, and this is extactly what Internet trying to do. In order to do this, Creative Commons will be a key point. (You can read more in his slides.)
After Ito, Heewon Kim the goddess of Korean Blog started talking about Korean Blog Culture. She is a very hard-working girl and I picked many intresting point from her presentation. For example, how Korean developed their own Blog system(and naming it! Haha!) and how they grow their blogsphere up (syndication, MetaBlog, Award, etc). Again, you can read more in her slides.)
After these two great people is Xuite's show time. (Xuite should be pronounced as
.) She is a sweet girl as her name. In her presentation, I saw HiNet (the company behind Xuite) not only spent many mony (take a look at server room. Hay, there is more then 96T storage and more and more!) but also learn much from their competitor -- they give up group Blog by traditional taxology but by abstract feeling or space! No one should underestimate them. I mean that.
And then wretch talked about what he think about Blog. But if his company can be competitor of Xuite? Let's wait and see.
In the end of this BoF, there were short speech which should be free panel in original schedule. Great Joi Ito recorded my part with his mobile phone and uploaded it just-in-time. You can use QuickTime opening this jedi.3gp. I'm first introducing Liang-Bin Hsueh (a.k.a. hlb) who really do many things about Blog in Taiwan. He is currently serve in the army so can't be with us this time. Then I talk about my feeling about Blog in Taiwan these years. I say people now blog/express easily and comfortable so I feel what I did is quite worth.
At the end, I say it's time that major power start involving in. So our ISPs join blog business, and we have such a BoF inviting great people from different countries. We now have grass-root media and will go into international. I thank all bloggers there. "It's you make our blog-life such beautiful," I said.
So, now, it's just after the Bof. Chiao asked, "what to do next?" In my humble opinion, there are lots of things we don't have time to talk during the BoF, it's time that we should start to talk; there are many important or interesting people, it's time to report them; there are many bloggers and media reporters, it's time to syndicate them all. If we do so, in the end of 2005, we may publish (physical or on-line) an annual review to let more people know, these important things do happen.
Posted by Jedi at March 31, 2005 09:53 PM | 中文版 (Chinese Version) | TrackBack (0)OOPS...!!!
You mentioned my nickname in Korea! (>_
Nice to read your writing in Englsh, and I will visit your 2 blogs often. Thank you for the picture again!
1. Is that lovely lady from Xuite also named "sweet"? Please double check la!
2. To be frank, I was out of my mind during Heewon's speech. Firstly is the projection problem, then the TV interview (did u see it on CTS late night news?). I think I owed her a lot (she even got the cold because I did not manage her morning trip in Taipei well...I am really sorry!)
3. Jedi, what's ur next step? it's important for me to know....
Hi chiao:
1. I only know that she is the sysop of Xuite. :-)
2. I don't watch any TV... In fact, I don't have a TV.
3. Sydnication, archive, follow-up report...
Hey, Chiao!!!
I am really OK, don't mind anything! How kind you are...