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Web Accessibility Toolbar [for IE] 2.0 - Function Descriptions

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WAT [alt + 0] toolbar dropdown button - WAT documentation
Web Accessibility Tools Consortium (WAT-C)Link to the WAT-C site
  • enable hot keys
  • display hot keys
  • display menu icons
Accessibility Toolbar - DocumentationInformation about Toolbar functionality
Accessibility Toolbar and WCAG 1.0Information about which toolbar functions (if any) are useful in assessing conformance to the WCAG 1.0 checkpoints.
Accessibility Toolbar - AboutInformation about The toolbar Version and Toolbar Development.
FeedbackLink to the web accessibility toolbar blog
version, language and release dateInformation about the toolbar
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Check [alt + 1] toolbar dropdown button - Check
W3C HTML Validator
  • Validation quick check
  • Validate HTML
  • Checks the HTML code of the current page(s) using the W3C HTML Validator.
  • The validation quick check returns status and error number only (remote severs only).
  • The Validate HTML function can be used to check documents stored locally or on a local or remote server.
W3C CSS Validator
  • Validate CSS
  • Validate CSS (New Window)
Checks the CSS code of the current page using the W3C CSS Validator
W3C Link Checker
  • Check Current Page
  • Check Current Page(New Window)
  • Check Linked Pages(New Window)
Checks anchors (hyperlinks) in a HTML/XHTML document(s). Useful to find broken links, etc. using the W3C Link checker
WDG HTML Validator
  • Validate HTML
  • Validate HTML (New Window)
  • Enter Code - Link to the WDG Validator page that contains a form for entering html code for validation
  • Validate Framed Pages
  • Validate Site - validates all pages on current site
Checks the HTML code of current page(s) using the WDG HTML Validator
Functional Accessibility Evaluator (FAE) Sends the DOM of the current page to the FAE. Check documents stored locally or on a local or remote server.
The Wave Submits the URL of the current page to the Wave accessibility checking tool
Readability TestPosts the URL of the current page to the Juicy Studio online Readability Test.
Lynx ViewerSubmits the URL of the current page to the Lynx Viewer text browser simulator
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Resize [alt + 2] toolbar dropdown button - Resize
640X480Resizes the current browser window to a width of 640 pixels and a height of 480 pixels.
800X600Resizes the current browser window to a width of 800 pixels and a height of 600 pixels.
1024X768Resizes the current browser window to a width of 1024 pixels and a height of 768 pixels.
1280X1024Resizes the current browser window to a width of 1280 pixels and a height of 1024 pixels.
Custom Sizes
  • Resizes the current browser window to a user defined height/width.
  • A range other custom related to other devices are also provided including @media handheld, projection and TV (Opera Functions)

Note: The Resize function Only works when a single tab is open in Internet Explorer 7

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CSS [alt + 3] toolbar dropdown button - CSS
Disable CSSDisables styles, for the current page
Disable inline styles Disables inline styles (using the style attribute), for the current page
Display:none to inline changes the display property value of all elements from none to inline
visibility: hidden to visible changes the visibility property value of all elements from hidden to visible
top/left/text-indent: 0 changes the top & left & text-indent values of all elements to 0
Show Style Sheet(s)Displays the content of style sheets link to the current page (in a new window)
Developed from a script by Lioren
Test Styles

Modify and apply styles to the current page on the fly (in a new window)

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Images [alt + 4] toolbar dropdown button - Images
Image ListDisplays (in a new window) a list of images along with the corresponding img element.
Developed from a script by Lioren
Remove images Replaces all img elements on the current page with the content of their alt attributes within quotation marks. If an img element does not have an alt attribute the image is replaced with the text‘No alt!’. CSS background and list images are also removed
Remove CSS images Removes images that are displayed using the CSS list-style-type & background-image properties.
Show ImagesShows an img element next to each image (along with the images' alt attribute, if the img does not have an alt attribute the text 'No alt!' is displayed) and puts a border aroundeach image.
Show Image MapsChecks for the presence of client-side and server-side image maps. if none are found it is indicated by an alert message. If image maps are found, they are displayed in a new window along withthe associated area elements
GIF Flicker TestOnline service that checks any GIF images found on the current page. if a GIF is found to contain multiple frames the "flicker rate" is measured to determine if is in a range that mayeffect users with Photosensitive Epilepsy. Developed by Renzo Guist and translated into English by Roberto Castaldo
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Colour [alt + 6] toolbar dropdown button - Colour

converts a full-color web page into a grayscale rendition for the purpose of visually testing the page’s perceivedcontrast.

Contrast Analyser Opens the contrast analyser 2.0 application
Juicy Studio Colour Contrast Analyser3 test options
  • Luminosity Analysis
  • Colour/brightness
  • All tests (1+2)
For more information refer to Colour Contrast Analyser Firefox Extension
Vischeck Colour Blindness Simulator (Deuteranope: common red/green)Submits the URL of the current page to the Vischeck Colour Blindeness Simulator the URL is processed (may take a little while), a page will openwith a link to the simulation (in a new window).
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Structure [alt + 5] toolbar dropdown button - Structure
HeadingsShows all heading elements on the current page
Heading StructureDisplays the Document title, and Headings (h1 - h6 including content) in a new window.
List ItemsShows ordered, unordered and definition list elements on the current page
Fieldset / LabelsShows Fieldset, legend and label elements on the current page. Show the for attribute of the label element if present, displays the text 'No For!' if not present. Displays the id [id=""] attribute of form controls, if present.
Paragraphs Shows p elements on the current page
Acronyms / AbbreviationsShows acronym and abbr elements, and their title attributes, on the current page
Blockquote & QShows blockquote and q elements on the current page
Access keysDisplays accesskey attributes found on the current page
Focus Highlighter Applies a focus style (yellow text & dark blue background) to all links and form controls on the page.
TabindexDisplays tabindex attributes found on the current page
Show Tab OrderNumbers and adds a border to each active element, showing the order in which these elements are accessed via the keyboard 'Tab' key.
Note: Tabindex is taken into account, if set. iframes, image maps and embedded objects (example: flash files) are counted as 1 increment in the tab order.
Show Other ElementsShows an JavaScript prompt box where the name of an element can be entered, then shows another prompt where a colour can be entered (default is red), then puts borders around instances of thenominated element found on the current page. Developed from a script on Centricle

Tables [alt + 5] toolbar dropdown button - Structure
Show Table HeadersShows th elements on the current page, th elements are given black backgrounds and text content is styled yellow and bold.
Show Data TablesShows table, th td & caption elements on the current page along with recommended attributes for marking up data tables(summary, id, headers, scope).
Table BordersShows borders of all tables / table cells on the current page
Table Cell OrderShows the tab order (table and cell number) and borders of table cells on the the current page
Linearise (Remove Tables)Removes all table, td tr,th elements for the current page, CSS styles are also removed to aid in visualization of linear content order.

Frames [alt + 5] toolbar dropdown button - frames
Navigate framed documents Lists all documents within the Window, including all documents within frames and iframes. selecting from the list will open the document selected.
Traverse Frames For functions that traverse frames, this function will enable/disable the traversing. For example: With Traverse frames enabled the "show images" function will work on any documents contained within frame and iframe elements. With Traverse frames disabled, it will only show images in the parent document.
Frame Borders Shows borders of all frame elements on the current page
Frame Name / Title Displays (in a new window) a list of framed pages along with their frame elements name and title attribute content
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Doc Info [alt + 8] toolbar dropdown button - Doc Info
Page InformationDisplays (in a new window) information (Including: title, file size, creation date, number of images,links,forms,scripts) about the page you are currently viewing.
Developed from a script on Oregon State University web site
Metadata InformationDisplays (in a new window) a list of the title, link and meta elements, and their content, found on the current page.
Link element navigation

Displays a lsit of LINK elements and allows navigation via these elements if they are present.

For information about use of the link element refer to:

Show DOCTYPEDisplays (in an alert) the DOCTYPE of the current HTML document.
Refer to: Fix Your Site With the Right DOCTYPE!
Show Lang AttributesDisplays on the current page any lang attributes found along with their associated elements.
with acknowledgement to: Bartimeus Accessibility Foundation
Refer To:
Show TitlesDisplays on the current page any title attributes found.
Deprecated Elements Displays elements (only) deprecated in HTML 4 within the current page.
JavaScript / New Window Links
  • Displays an icon javascript icon next to links that contain JavaScript in the href attribute. The links are also given a dashed border and background colour.
  • Displays an icon new window and question mark icon next to links that contain an onclick event handler and common words used in new window scripts in the href and/or the onclick attribute. The links are also given a dashed border and background colour.
  • Displays an icon javascript icon next to links that have their target attribute specified (_self & _top are excluded) . The links are also given a background colour.
Acknowledgement to Autark who created the script this is based on.
Show internal links Identifies in page links. These are identified with an anchor icon anchor
List LinksDisplays (in a new window) a list of the link urls,content and title attribute(if present) found on the current page.
List Downloadable FilesDisplays (in a new window) a list of the links to Downloadable Files (Examples: PDF, MP3, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, ZIP) found on the currentpage.
Developed from a script by Sofia Celic
Identify Multimedia FilesDisplays (in a new window) the code of any object/embed elements found. it also lists links to Multimedia files (Examples: mp3, mov, swf, ram etc) found on the current page.
Developed by Sofia Celic
Identify Scripts & AppletsDisplays (in a new window) any applets found and the associated code. It also lists embedded and external scripts found and in most cases allows the viewing and downloading of external scriptslinked from current page.
Developed by Sofia Celic with aknowledgement to Lioren
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source [alt + U] toolbar dropdown button - Source
View SourceShows the source code of the current page
Source highlighter
  • Displays [in a new window] the source code of the page with a choice of elements highlighted
    • tables
    • forms
    • objects and scripts
    • images
    • lists
    • headings
    • event attributes (onmouseover, onclick etc)
Generated SourceDisplays the DOM tree of the page as HTML. [new window]
Generated Source highlighter
  • Displays [in a new window] the generated source code of the page with a choice of elements highlighted
    • tables
    • forms
    • objects and scripts
    • images
    • lists
    • headings
    • event attributes (onmouseover, onclick etc)
View Partial Source

Displays the DOM tree of the selected content as HTML. Select aome page content then activate the function. A new window will open showing the selected content and generated code.

Dom Inspectors

IE Options [alt + O] toolbar dropdown button - IE options
Toggle Images [ctrl + alt + I] Turns images on/off via the IE Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Show Pictures
Toggle Javascript [ctrl + alt + J] Turns Javascript on/off via the IE Tools > Internet Options > Security > Custom Level > Active Scripting enable/disable
Toggle ActiveX Turns ActiveX on/off via the IE Tools > Internet Options > Security > Custom Level > Run ActiveX controls and Plug-ins - good for checking pages with Flash etc.
Toggle CSS Turns Internet Explorer CSS support on/off.
Note: This is not a function that Microsoft supplies. Leaving CSS support off can effect the display of windows and dialogs outside of Internet Explorer that rely upon CSS support, so please remember to turn CSS support back on before closing the browser. If you do notice any odd effects open up IE and turn CSS back on.
Text Size It is the same functionality as IE View > Text Size >
"hot keys" are associated with: smallest [ctrl + alt + Q], medium [ctrl + alt + Y], largest [ctrl + alt + Z]
Accessibility Dialog [ctrl + alt + D] Opens the IE Tools > Internet Options > Accessibility Dialog
Windows Accessibility Options Opens the Windows Accessibility Options Dialog. Note: Changes made to settings in this dialog will affect all applications and windows not only Internet Explorer. For information about Windows Accessibility Options refer to Adjusting Accessibility Options

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Other functions
Logger [ctrl + alt + L] logger button

When the logger is activated a text box is visible below the toolbar. Text notes can be added and any ouptut from WAT functions that normally appear within alert boxes will be inserted into the logger.

The contents of the logger text box can be saved as a text file. Also any text files can be opened via the File menu.

logger text box and controls with example text
Open in Firefox [ctrl + alt + F] firefox button Opens the current page in Firefox (if installed)
Open in Opera [ctrl + alt + O] Opens the current page in Opera (if installed)

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Toolbar Menu Accesskeys
MenuKey Combination
WAT Options ctrl + alt + 0
Check ctrl + alt + 1
Resize ctrl + alt + 2
CSS ctrl + alt + 3
Images ctrl + alt + 4
Colour ctrl + alt + 5
Structure ctrl + alt + 6
Tables ctrl + alt + 7
Frames ctrl + alt + 8
Doc Info ctrl + alt + 9
Source ctrl + alt + U
Logger ctrl + alt + L
Open in firefox ctrl + alt + F
Open in Opera ctrl + alt + O
IE Options

ctrl + alt + S

The IE Options dialog box can be accessed using the keyboard, it is intended for users who have difficulties perceiving the state of the options (enabled/disabled) within the dropdown menu: ctrl + alt + shift + S

IE options dialog box

Creative Commons License
This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Licence