June 08, 2003

Back on track

唉呀,腦袋這麼快就冷靜下來了,看來一輩子大概都沒機會了。當然,我還是很迷惑,所以才會遇到意料之外的shock,但在現在這不確定的情境中,任何超現實的因素都該盡量減少,包括人生的奢侈品。若還能來得及準備考試的話也好。總之,人總是要活下去的啊。苟延殘喘也沒關係,像沱瀕死的史萊姆也沒關係。大家都是懷抱著各自的煩惱生活下去,不能互相理解也無所謂。聊天的時候能開懷大笑就好了。畢竟,快樂和靈魂的深度沒有太大的關係。墨利斯不也曾這麼做了?"Yet he was doing a fine thing-- proving on how little the soul can exist." 如果哪天我成了膚淺的人,請不要憐憫我,如果那出自於我的個人抉擇的話。

There's no time for sense of loss. I have to be back on track, and I'm backing on track. I am.

And if we meet again in the future, then I guess we can smile back with the memories. If not, the fact that we live in the same age is enough for the reason to be satisfied.

所以,在bbs 上或msn上看到我時請把我踹下去。:)

由 drinker 發表於 June 8, 2003 11:15 PM

"Yet he was doing a fine thing-- proving on how little the soul can exist."
I would appreciate any hint as to where this citation might from.

發表於 January 16, 2004 02:06 AM

Maurice/ E.M. Foster :-)

由 D 發表於 January 16, 2004 01:14 PM

