November 24, 2011

The House of Asterion

The House of Asterion

I found that Borges wrote this short story when investigating the new movie Immortals.

Actually I read this story before but it feels like reading it the first time (or, quoting Asterion's words, the fourteenth time) as I couldn't recall the content when seeing the title. But still, this is a good story. The style is a little bit like that of Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino, philosophical as well as poetical. What's the difference between one and infinity and the difference between a home and a maze? Perhaps what imprisons us is never a concrete architecture, but ourselves. As Minotaur can leave the labyrinth freely but he can never escape from the loneliness and the alienation that separate him from others. No wonder he would be convinced that Theseus is his redeemer and death his redemption.

By the way, the movie sucks. Anyone who considers to see the movie could save the money and the time. Read the story instead, that surely is a better use of one's time.

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