April 23, 2006


Akeboshi Official Web Site



由 drinker 發表於 09:15 PM | 迴響 (0) | 引用

April 17, 2006

A Quarter of a Century

It seems that, for me, confession is a habitual activity on this day.

It is very hard for me to believe that I have existed for such a long time on this planet as well.

Twenty-five years. During these years, the first eighteen years, I think, could be likened to the medieval dark age. Barbarian, dormant, instinctive, quickening, childish instead of innocent, and waiting. Sometimes I felt that I was too young, too naive to be a grown-up during the later years.

But twenty-five years! Sometimes I did feel that I have lingered long engough that it was quite difficult to suppress the urge to rush to the end. Was I mature enough? I don't think so.

And now, there is a person who swore to accompany me till time extinguishes both of us. I swore the same oath to him. The promise we exchanged is not one that is always easy to keep. But I think it is worth every effort.

Twenty-five years. I think I could go on for another twenty-five years with his company.

"A Book of Verses underneath the Bough,
A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread--and Thou
Beside me singing in the Wilderness--
Oh, Wilderness were Paradise enow! " Omar Khayyam/The Rubaiyat

由 drinker 發表於 02:42 AM | 迴響 (0) | 引用

April 12, 2006

One Ring to Bind Them All

Petty, Anne C. One Ring to Bind Them All: Tolkien's Mythology. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 2002.


看了其中一章,覺得結構主義會被解構好像也不是沒有原因的,因為太完美/完整了,導致沒有討論的空間,看完一章之後我很好奇研究這樣學問的人要怎麼彼此切磋,感覺一切都是是非題。舉例來說,Frodo離開Bagend是不是departure impulse呢?感覺上就只能把這樣的現象套入預設的模子裡,妳覺得是就是,不是就不是,簡單明瞭,於是要嘛就是全盤接收要嘛就是另起爐灶分道揚鑣。

這樣完整緊密的結構論述就宗教信仰而言或許是好事,對於一個學門而言可能就很容易走入死路(我從很久以前就覺得Joseph Campbell有點像那種職業是開導別人的心靈導師,不知道跟這門學問有沒有關XD)。在一個「後」的時代,大師易去,榮華難再,神話學或許也要走上神話的宿命,在陪伴人類的原初時代後消失於舞台?(但是Tolkien 不是認為myth/faery一直都在嗎?:Q)

由 drinker 發表於 12:12 AM | 迴響 (0) | 引用

April 05, 2006


AnimeNfo radio - the best Anime radio


很熱血的一點是,request 可以寫dedication (不過我
沒試),另外,now playing的畫面會把CD的封面也顯現

要重新log in,而且網頁不知為何很慢。所以目前是當作Armitunes的備用台。:p

由 drinker 發表於 12:40 PM | 迴響 (0) | 引用